Write For Us

If you are passionate about traveling and are ready to share your story with a broader audience, we welcome you to write on our platform as a guest blogger. 

Whether you travel seasonally or are an aspiring writer, we embrace all the talents and unique experiences you are willing to share. 

1. Why Contribute to Travel Hub?

– Share Experience: This platform allows writers to share their experiences, advice, and perceptions with global readers. It can inspire them to explore new destinations. 

– Build an Ideal Portfolio: if you are writing as a guest travel blog writer on this renowned platform. You can boost your portfolio and showcase your talent to clients and companies. 

– SEO Benefits: This unlocks several SEO benefits. You are allowed to add a minimum two to three line self-description and your website’s backlink to the content. It will enhance the traffic and ranking of your personal blogs. 

2. Submission Guidelines:

If you want to make your content relatable to the readers, and ensure that it meets the standard of the site. You must follow the guidelines below:

          Original Content: All of your work should be original and authentic. 

          Word Range: Your content should be more than 800 and less than 1,500 words.

          Layout: You must use understandable headings and subheadings with necessary bullet points where required in your blogs.

          Images: Use high-quality images where required and ensure you have the right to post them in your content. 

          Bio and Links: You may add a 2—to 3-sentence bio about yourself and your blogs and a backlink to your social media. 

3. How to Submit:

You can send your guest blog to our email address by titled “Guest Post Submission.” After reviewing your work, our editorial team will reply within two weeks. 

We can’t wait to read your travel stories and share them with our global readers. We appreciate you for choosing Travel Hub as a place to share your writing. Safe and happy travels!
Email us on info (@) traveluaehub.com

List of Search Queries to Find Guest Posting Sites.

  • “guest post”
  • “startup funding”
  • “write for us”
  • “guest article”
  • “this is a guest post by”
  • “contributing writer”
  • “want to write for”
  • “submit blog post”
  • “contribute to our site”
  • “submit content”
  • “submit your content”
  • “guest posts wanted”
  • “guest blogger”
  • “become a guest blogger”
  • “submit news”
  • “submit post”

For Categories, you can add a category name along with this query

  • “write for us” Health
  • “write for us” Education
  • “write for us” Essay Writing
  • “write for us” Finance

Moreover, there are some special Google search operators as well that you can use to filter out country-specific guest posting websites. 

Find Country-Specific Guest Posting Sites.

  • “keyword” inurl:.countrycode
  • “keyword” intitle:”countryname”
  • “keyword” inurl:”countryname”
  • “keyword” intext:”countryname”
  • “keyword” “countryname” inurl:”blog”
  • “keyword” + “countryname” + “blogs”
  • “keyword” + “countryname” + “websites”
  • “keyword” + “countryname” + “resources”
  • “keyword” “countryname” intext:”guest post guidelines”
  • “keyword” “countryname” intext:”contribute”
  • “keyword” “countryname” intitle: “submit article”